Monday, October 29, 2007

このしゅうまつはいいしゅうまつです。わたしのお母さんはせんしゅうバージニアだいかくへかんこくからきました。ろれから、わたしはおかあさんと土曜日にかいものをしました。ノルドンバージニアのタイソンスへいきました。わたしはそこでくつをたくさんかいました。でもおかあさんはかいませんでした。おかあさんのサイズーのくつかありませんでした。四時かんぐらいかいものをしました。それから、タイソンスのまえにかんこくのレストランでばんごはんをたくさんたべました。十時ごろわたしのへやにかえりました。おかあさんとたくさん話しました。それから、十二時ごろねました. 日曜日におそくおきました。ダカラ、あさごはんをたべませんでした。でも、おかあさんと十二時にひるごはんをたべました。ホテルのそばにレストランでていしょくをたくさんたべました。それから、わたしはとしょかんで二時かんべんきょうしました。おかあさんはホテスでコンピューターをしました。おかあさんとスージンさんとコーナーでばんごはんをたべました。スージンさんはわたしのすきなともだちです。それから、八時にわたしのへやへかえりました。いいしゅうまつでしま。

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Even though I posted a blog last Friday, I totally forgot to write about what makes a good blog.
I makes this kind of mistake all the time. While I am doing something, I usually forget to do other things I have to do.
anyway.. what makes a good blog?
First of all, I think I myself need to enjoy posting a blog every week.
It is not a big assignment which will be graded. The purpose of this blog is writing about my daily life, communicating with people, and encouraging other people.
Even few weeks ago, I was bothered to write a blog, but now I am enjoying posting my blog and also reading other people's blogs.
Also, we all need to honest writing blogs. If nothing special happened that week, we can just write about other things such as anything.
One other thing I thought important is commenting on others' blogs, so that people can know that someone's reading their blogs.

Friday, October 19, 2007

I feel like time really goes too fast this semester. I cannot believe it already has been two weeks since I went to west virginia with all second year korean students. (for fall break) These are some pics we took there. We rented a cabin which was about 3 hours away from the school. As you can see in the picture, we went there with 6 cars lining up. haha Although we didn't do anything special there, it was really fun to spend time together for 3 days. We cooked, ate(a looooooooooot) , and played games together...etc...
Anyway.... my mom came to America yesterday. She is now in NewYork with my brother and she is coming to see me this Sunday. Yeah~~ she is going to stay here for a week. I cannot wait to see her~

Japanese class?? it's getting harder and harder... but it's really exiting that now I know future and past tense. I just talked to one of my Japanese friends that what I did today. (of course in Japanese=)

Friday, October 5, 2007

I finally got to drive my car!! HAHAHA I bought a white Mustang at the end of last year but couldn't drive until last Wednesday. BECAUSE!! I thought my international driver permit was expired. actually, I still need to go to DMV for some reasons...
for me, it is still kinda scary to drive on my own, but i am enjoying driving a loooooooooooot.
tell me if you need a ride.
remember it's little bit risky to get on my car. lol